Developed in conjunction with

The most important aspect of backing up is that your data is stored in a different location from the original data.

Traditional backup requires that you manually take the backup media offsite.

Fileflow Backup:

? is automatic and does not require user intervention, so that you don't have to label CDs, disks or change tapes.

? avoids human error.

? provides unlimited data retention.

? keeps previous versions of your files.

? is platform independent software. Install anywhere.

? Your files are encrypted and kept in a secure purpose-built data center.  If you or your company does not have the right backup solution, it may cost vast amounts of money and you also risk losing your reputation with your customers. In a competitive situation, a client will often go to your competitor if something is wrong with your system.

With Fileflow Backup you don't have to worry about ever losing data again.